Crooked Nose Correction with Nose Job

The nose is a crucial facial feature because it affects one’s appearance and self-confidence. A crooked nose, caused by a deviation of the nasal septum or injury, can be particularly distressing. Fortunately, a nose job or rhinoplasty can correct a crooked nose and improve its appearance and function. In this blog, Dr. Dushyanth Kalva, rhinoplastyContinue reading “Crooked Nose Correction with Nose Job”

Understanding the Basics of Plastic Surgery: Benefits & Preparations 

Plastic surgery is a term that centres on surgical methods and helps alter one’s physical appearance. It is a highly specialised surgery that includes reconstructive and cosmetic procedures to achieve the desired goals. Plastic surgery’s primary goal is restoring the skin and tissues to normal functioning. “Plastic surgery benefits people of all ages ranging fromContinue reading “Understanding the Basics of Plastic Surgery: Benefits & Preparations “

What is Gynecomastia? Know From Expert

Gynecomastia is a medical term termed ‘enlarged breasts in males’. It is an embarrassing condition for many men. To correct this condition gynecomastia surgery is performed in which excess fat tissues are removed, and restore the masculine chest. It is not a serious condition, but not easy to cope with in life and work. MenContinue reading “What is Gynecomastia? Know From Expert”

How Rhinoplasty Surgery Is Performed-Discussed by Cosmetic Surgeon

Rhinoplasty is a nose surgery performed to change or enhance the shape or function of the nose. It is also known as a nose job. For people who have inappropriate nose shapes and suffer breathing problems, this surgery is the best option to go for. The upper portion of the nose is bone, and theContinue reading “How Rhinoplasty Surgery Is Performed-Discussed by Cosmetic Surgeon”

Robotic Hair Transplant: Top Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Hyderabad

Hair loss can affect any person and their physical appearance and causes an emotional and psychological impact on the one suffering from it. A hair transplant is the best hair restoration method that offers safe and promising results by transferring hair from the donor area that contains denser hair to thin or bald areas ofContinue reading “Robotic Hair Transplant: Top Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Hyderabad”

Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Hyderabad For Effective Anti Ageing Treatment

Over the past few decades, anti-ageing and wrinkle-removal products have become increasingly popular in cosmetics. The blue light from devices, poor eating habits, and poor lifestyle decisions all are having an adverse effect on one’s complexion and general health, accelerating the ageing process. To prevent further ageing, one must start an effective anti-ageing treatment evenContinue reading “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Hyderabad For Effective Anti Ageing Treatment”

An Overview of Different Types of Cosmetic Surgery

Every individual desires to strive towards perfection of physical appearance. There are several cosmetic surgery procedures available at Inform Clinics, cosmetic surgery clinic in Hyderabad, that men and women choose from to create an image that makes them feel confident and comfortable about their appearance. With various cosmetic surgery procedures, individuals with birth defects orContinue reading “An Overview of Different Types of Cosmetic Surgery”

All You Need to Know About Robotic Hair Transplant

Hair transplants and hair restoration are particularly common cosmetic procedures for males. The hair transplant clinics offer an incomparable quality/price ratio due to their experience and use of the most up-to-date technology in the industry. Robotic hair transplantation is one of these cutting-edge medical technologies that stand out.  This procedure, known as IFA (Automatic FollicularContinue reading “All You Need to Know About Robotic Hair Transplant”

Important Facts About Liposuction

Liposuction is a popular procedure for removing unwanted fat deposits from areas such as love handles, abdomen, arms, thighs, hips, knees, neck, and chin. One gets discouraged after exercising and yet has stubborn fat pockets that do not go away. Liposuction procedures can reduce resistant fat deposits giving one the desirable body one has alwaysContinue reading “Important Facts About Liposuction”

Liposuction: Post-op Instructions Shared by Expert Surgeon

Many individuals struggle with excess body fat. Liposuction is considered the best option for achieving the desired body contour when diet and exercises fail to eliminate unwanted fat bulges. It is also called “lipo” and helps to slim and reshape specific areas of the body by removing the extra fat deposits and enhancing the proportionsContinue reading “Liposuction: Post-op Instructions Shared by Expert Surgeon”

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